TLO Norwell

Our community brings together local parents, educators and professionals in Norwell who care about healthy and safe technology use by our children. Through this community, we can support each other by sharing information, resources and our best tips that empower community members to make healthy choices about technology use. Together we can inspire positive change around technology use in our families and community.

Public Promise Members by Child’s Year of Graduation: Parents listed as Promise Members have taken a public promise to delay giving their child a smartphone until at least 8th grade as smartphones easily provide access to the Internet, social media and gaming. Our public promise helps to reduce the social pressure to have a smartphone by making smartphones the exception, not the rule.

Public Supporters: Healthy and safe technology use is about more than just smartphones in middle school. That’s why we support all parents. Members listed as “Supporters” publicly support and join our community even though they are unable or unwilling to make the promise.

Private Supporters: Private Supporters will be added to our mailing list and will have access to our local closed discussion groups but will not be publicly listed on our website.

To join TLO Norwell, please complete this form.

To get more involved or to be a local partner, contact Susannah Baxley or Rosemary Reardon. Please also complete this form so we have your info!

*We add names manually so sometimes it can take up to 24 hours to see your name on the list. If your name is missing, misspelled or mis-listed, just reach out! We are human and we make mistakes.*


The following community members in Norwell are committed to healthy technology use by our children.




Andria and Antonio Mendes


Susannah and Rent Baxley

Rosemary and Will Reardon

Dave and Susan Vroman

Andria and Antonio Mendes

Melissa Allen

Lisa Marsh

Jung and Bill Chan

Julianne Arena and Jeff Belisle


Diana Marinelli


Susannah and Rent Baxley

Rosemary and Will Reardon

Julie and Trevor McCormick

Dave and Susan Vroman

David and Emilee Leahy

Lisa Marsh


David and Emilee Leahy

Lisa Marsh


Susannah and Rent Baxley

Julie and Trevor McCormick

Jung and Bill Chan


Laura Recupero

Alison and Todd Link

Ann Marie and Kevin Costello

Megan Glynn

Lisa Doherty



Parenting in the Digital Age


NHS Auditorium 

Presentation by: Sharon Maxwell, Ph.D. Chelsea Maxwell, Ed.M. 

From smartphones to laptops, from texting to snapchat, media technology delivers a new cyber environment that is having a profound impact on how our children think about themselves and is changing the way our children socialize and communicate.  How are kids using and abusing media technology?  How do we best use this amazing resource to enhance our lives? How do we keep it from shaping our children and undermining the values we want to impart? This mother-daughter team helps parents set balanced, realistic guidelines that bring the internet into alignment with family schedules and values.  Dr. Maxwell is an award-winning author, educator, and practicing clinical psychologist.  Her work has been featured in TIME Magazine, US News and World Report, USA Today, The Boston Globe, on NPR, Oprah and Friends, and Fox News.  This is a town wide event, parents of children of all ages are encouraged to attend! PLEASE RSVP :  CLICK HERE FOR FREE TICKETS