TLO Holliston Promise

Our community brings together local parents, educators and professionals in Holliston who care about healthy and safe technology use by our children. Through this community, we can support each other by sharing information, resources and our best tips that empower community members to make healthy choices about technology use. Together we can inspire positive change around technology use in our families and community.

Public Promise Members by Child’s Year of Graduation: Parents listed as Promise Members have taken a public promise to delay giving their child a smartphone until at least 8th grade as smartphones easily provide access to the Internet, social media and gaming. Our public promise helps to reduce the social pressure to have a smartphone by making smartphones the exception, not the rule.

Public Supporters: Healthy and safe technology use is about more than just smartphones in middle school. That’s why we support all parents. Members listed as “Supporters” publicly support and join our community even though they are unable or unwilling to make the promise (For example, parents of children who have “aged out” or other people in the community).

Private Supporters: Private Supporters will be added to our mailing list and will have access to our local closed discussion groups but will not be publicly listed on our website.

To join TLO Holliston Promise, please complete this form.

To get more involved or to be a local partner, contact our champions Gillian McAuley, Botum Bennett, and Kate Nielson. Please also complete this form so we have your info!

Visit our Closed Facebook page.


The following community members in holliston are committed to healthy technology use by our children.




Gretchen and Daniel P


Cara R


Jessica and James G

Jenny and Chris M


Elizabeth and Eric W

Meg and Chris B

Kelley and Paul G

Kate and Paul B

Anne B


Meredith and Brian M

Joy and Tim G

Amanda and Steve B

Michael and Christine H


Jessica and James G

Gillian and Oisín M

Meredith and Brian M

Kate and Todd N

Jennifer and Jon T

Amy and Mike D

Lisa K and Jim S

Kim and Jamie R

Ally and Rich M

Anne B


Hayley and Robert F

Michael and Christine H


Kate and Todd N

Samantha and Brian L

Jennifer and Brian H

Botum and Andrew B

Janet and Mike D

Amanda and Steve B

Vicky and Alan K

Ally and Rich M

Anouk and Chad B


Gillian and Oisín M

Meredith and Brian M

Margo and John L

Amy and Mike D

Hayley and Robert F

Jocelyn W

Sarah M

Andrea and James M


Kate and Todd N

Hayley and Robert F

Laura and Michael G


Jennifer and Jon T

Samantha and Brian L

Margo and John L

Jocelyn W

Andrea and James M

Ryan and Lindsay S


Ryan and Lindsay S


Sarah M


Roberta W